- public policy
- государственная политика
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy. 2014.
Public Policy — ist ein Begriff der Politikwissenschaft und bezeichnet die Summe der inhaltlichen Entscheidungen, Zielsetzungen und Aktivitäten der am Politikprozess Beteiligten. Es ist zudem ein interdisziplinäres staatswissenschaftliches Fach mit praktischem… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Public policy — can refer to:*Policy – general overview of policy and its study and formation. *Public policy (law) – public policy as a legal concept … Wikipedia
public policy — n. The principles that guide a government in its administration, in an effort to maintain the well being and order of the state and its citizens; also, the principle that a contract or transaction that harms the public good is illegal. The… … Law dictionary
public policy — The policy of the law; the policy in relation to the administration of the law. Practically synonymous with public good or public welfare. National Bank of Commerce v Greenberg, 195 Tenn 217, 258 SW2d 765, 38 ALR2d 1337. The policy of promoting… … Ballentine's law dictionary
public policy — ordre public (франц.) публичный порядок, доктрина, охватывающая основополагающие принципы права и правосудия. В российском материальном праве ссылка на нарушение публичного порядка используется как механизм, препятствующий применению нормы… … Glossary of international commercial arbitration
public policy — noun The set of policies (laws, plans, actions, behaviors) of a government; plans and methods of action that govern that society; a system of laws, courses of action, and priorities directing a government action. The licensee exceeding the use… … Wiktionary
public policy — The interests of the community. If a contract is (on common law principles) contrary to public policy, this will normally make it an illegal contract In a few cases, however, such a contract is void but not illegal, and is treated slightly more… … Big dictionary of business and management
public policy — viešoji politika statusas Aprobuotas sritis viešasis administravimas apibrėžtis Valdymo sprendimais išreikšta suderinta viešojo valdymo institucijų ir visuomenės valia visuomenei ir visai valstybei svarbiems klausimams ir problemoms spręsti.… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
public policy — viešoji politika statusas T sritis Politika apibrėžtis Tam tikras vyriausybės veiksmų kursas arba planas spręsti tam tikras problemas ar siekti tikslų. Apima viešosios politikos turinį ir procesą, nagrinėjami įvairūs formalūs ir neformalūs… … Politikos mokslų enciklopedinis žodynas
Public policy school — Public policy schools teach students policy studies, policy analysis, public policy, public administration, and public affairs. Public policy schools offer a wide range of public policy degrees including the Master of Public Policy (MPP), the… … Wikipedia
Public policy (law) — Public policy is the body of fundamental principles that underpin the operation of legal systems in each state. This addresses the social, moral and economic values that tie a society together: values that vary in different cultures and change… … Wikipedia